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The Southern House Mosquito, scientifically known as Culex quinquefasciatus, is a common mosquito species found in many regions of the world, including the southern United States. Understanding the biology and habits of the Southern House Mosquito is important for mosquito control efforts and disease prevention, particularly in areas where this species is prevalent

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How to identify 

Physical Appearance: Adult Southern House Mosquitoes are relatively small, with a body length of about 3 to 4 millimeters (0.12 to 0.16 inches). They have a brownish-black body with pale, silvery-white scales on their thorax and abdomen.

Feeding Habits:Female Southern House Mosquitoes are primarily blood-feeders and are known to bite both humans and animals. They are most active during the evening and night, seeking blood meals to nourish their eggs. They use their proboscis to pierce the skin and feed on blood.

Disease Transmission: Southern House Mosquitoes have been implicated as vectors for several diseases, including West Nile virus, St. Louis encephalitis virus, and lymphatic filariasis. They can transmit these diseases to humans and animals through their bites.

Contact information 


El Paso County, TX


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